Do you want to purchase a high-quality reagent for marine scrubbers for your vessels and to meet all the requirements and legislations for pollution emission? Then you have found the right partner: Europiren B.V. This business is located in the port area of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and offers various areas of application. They provide companies with, for example, a reagent for marine scrubbers, solutions for gas and water purification, technical rubber products, and metallurgical flux. They are an exclusive distributor of Russian Mining Chemical Company, a producer of high purity magnesium minerals. They have their own source of raw materials, innovative technologies, and they work with a certified control system. Discover their products and services today and call upon the help of their specialists! Meet all the legislations for marine vesselsIn order to comply with the legislations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) concerning the limitation of the pollution emission, a good cleaning process of the exhaust gas is required. Therefore, marine scrubbers are a perfect solution to meet their legislations. These products are environmentally-friendly and safe to handle. You can optimally protect air and water quality and effectively remove sulphur oxides from the exhaust gas of ship engines. In so-called Sulfur Emission Control Areas (SECAs), the strict limits for sulfur oxides (SOx) have been set since 2015. To meet all the legislations for marine vessels, the marine scrubbers from Europiren B.V. are the ideal solution. Make use of this company’s experienceEuropiren B.V. is specialised in innovative magnesium minerals for industrial, environmental and agricultural applications. It was established in 2013 to provide support to the European markets. However, they have expanded their working area to regions in North- and South America and Asia. Therefore, many businesses throughout the world can successfully cooperate with this company. Are you interested in a cooperation with Europiren B.V. from Rotterdam? Then do not hesitate to contact their specialists and ask all your questions about their products and services. | |
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